PHIL 2100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 36 pages long!)

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You can place a value of truth or false in a claim: ex: there are an x amount of hairs on my head; you either know it or not, and we don"t know it. Dogs are smart: not a claim, vague claim, doesn"t give a scale. Is that the man that kicked my dog: not a claim, it"s a question, so it asks for answer, it"s not stating something about the world yet something specific. The answer yes that man kicked my dog can be a claim. Bloody dog: exclamation mark tell us we cannot interpret; thus we need more information. Dogs have a better sense of smell than humans: yes, it is a claim, what makes it a claim is that it is truth-valuable. We care about claims because they can be true or false thus finding reason for it. Democracy is a good thing: good is too vague, we need more clarification, valued terms are inherently vague.