PHIL 1010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Universal Rule, Positive Liberty, Harm Principle

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Philosophy essay #2 plan mill and kant on negaive liberty. **be sure to include something on posiive liberty in there** Both kant and mill are negative liberty people, but are sill very diferent. Negaive liberty: freedom from people violaing you or imposing on your rights. If freedom is not restricted by objecive rules, the result is much savage disorder (pg. Kant thinks that you should act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same ime will that it should become a universal law (pg. Catagorical oughts are binding because they derive their force from a universal principle reason that any raional agent would recognize as valid. In pracice, this works by asking us whether in considering an acion, we would judge it acceptable if everybody in the world did the same thing. If we think that the acion can become a universal maxim without contradicion then it is morally admissible.