[NUTR 3210] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (25 pages long!)

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A chemical that is required for optimum metabolism, but that cannot be synthesized or cannot be synthesized rapidly enough, to meet the needs or an animal or human for one or more physiological function. Purified diets experiment: two groups fed the same purified diet, the experimental groups diet is lacking in a specific nutrient though. Deficiency disease, add the nutrient back and you"ll fix the disease. A deficiency does not need to be lethal to define the nutrients essentiality. Carbohydrates (0) our body can make glucose if we need it. Fats (2) linoleic and alpha linoleic acid (omega 6 and 3) Protein/amino acids (9-10) val, iso, leu, phe thr, try, met, lys, his, arg. Vitamins (12) a, d, k, e, c, b vitamins. Minerals (14) ca, na, k, cl, mg, p, fe, cu, zn, se, i, f, mn, mo. Conditionally essential (for example if you"re pregnant)