NUTR 3150- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Constipation: with advancing age, persons increasingly suffer from a variety of gi symptoms/disorders that may significantly compromise qol. Extent to which the aging process contributes to gi issues is unclear. Typically defined as stool frequency of less than every 2-3 days, feeling of incomplete evacuation, passing hard stools, frequent use of laxatives. Prevalence greater in females and institutional older adults. Functional disorders, dysmotility, malignancies, medications (opiods), inactivity, decrease in food and fluid intake. Ltc protocols: flax flour, bran, prune juice, fruit lax. Insoluble fibers should be emphasized as they absorb fluid in the gut, resulting in bulkier stools, which are easier to pass. Citrus and legume fibers can stimulate growth of flora in the colon, further increasing fecal weight. If someone is not having bowl movement for days then they use oral laxative therapy, suppositories, enemas may be indicated: diarrhea. Increase in bowel movements and/or water content of stools. Primary immediate concern: high risk for dehydration delirium.