[NUTR 2050] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (71 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Study of food, nutrients and other factors (psychological, behavioural, environmental) that interact to impact how our bodies process food and utilize nutrients. Food provides energy (calories), nutrients, and other substances needed for growth & health. A calorie a measure of the amount of energy transferred from food to the body: nutrients chemical substances in food that are used by the body, one"s diet or eating pattern also tells much about one"s culture and traditions. Carbohydrates (cho) organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Proteins organic compounds consisting of amino acids. Fats (lipids) organic compounds that consist of a glycerol molecule bound to three fatty acids. Essential nutrients: nutrients we cannot make on our own, and can only obtain from our diet: Certain amino acids components of protein, 9 are essential (ie. trypotophan) Essential fatty acids linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid (precursor of epa and dha) Vitamins & minerals (fat-soluble and water-soluble: water.