NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wear Sunscreen, Osteoclast, Atherosclerosis

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Week #9 fat soluble vitamins and start of water and electrolytes: Which of the following foods has the most vitamin a: carrots, roast beef, liver, milk. Beta-carotene: yellow-orange pigment, a carotenoid, pro-vitamin, our body can convert it to vitamin a. What does beta-carotene do: beta-carotene is an antioxidant. It protects cell membranes: prevents cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, cataracts. How much do you need: rda: 900 rae for men, 700 rae for women. In canada, half of our dietary vitamin a comes from preformed vitamin a: retinol. Retinal, retinoic acid in foods: the other half from beta carotene. Sources of pre-formed vitamin a: milk, eggs, meat, cheese, butter. Sources of beta-carotene: broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, leafy lettuce, squash, peppers. If you don"t get enough vitamin a: night blindness, xerophthalmia dry eyes, blindness, vitamin a deficiency kills hundreds of thousands of children every year in 3rd world countries. Nutrition exam review guide: can happen in canada too.