NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Caffeine, Anaphylaxis, Bloating

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Document Summary

Nutrition: is the science that studies food and how food nourishes our bodies and influences our health. Why we eat the foods we do: culture, religion, beliefs/values, social, convenience, advertising, economy, emotional comfort, habit, personal preference, positive associations, weight/body image, nutritional value, appetite, hunger. Appetite: the psychological desire to eat specific foods. Pleasant sensations associated with food, influenced by: psychological factors, brain compounds, inborn appetites, some health conditions, medications/drugs. Hunger: the physiological sensation in response to a need for food. Hunger is influenced by: brain (hypothalamus), amount and type of food we eat, blood glucose levels, exercise, hormones. >hormones: neuropeptide y hunger up galanin leptin fullness up cholecystokinin. A nutritious diet: provides proper combo of nutrients and energy, nutrients: are chemicals found in foods. They are critical to human growth and development: nutrients include: Vitamins, minerals (micronutrients- do not contain or produce energy) The amount of energy in food that can be supplied to the body.