NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bone Density, Bone Resorption, Herbal Tea

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Week 8 consumed worldwide: water, tea, coffee consumed drug worldwide: caffeine found in: tea leaves, coffee beans, cocoa beans: what it does: stimulates central nervous system (energized, health canada: 400 mg/day (3 cups, downfall: irritability, insomnia, nervousness, headaches. Catechins: antioxidant, highest concentration in green tea, content depends on: Theanine: amino acid, mental function, calmer, relaxed, focused. ** herbal tea is not tea no caffeine or catechins. Tea benefits: antioxidant, decrease risk of heart disease, ^^ bone density, ^^ mental performance, prevent dental caries, anti-inflammatory effects. Not consistent: dose effects ranges from 1-6 cups/day. Cafestol and kahweol coffee beans released through hot water: ^^ heart disease and total cholesterol, decreased oxidized ldl. More then 100 antioxidants identified in coffee. Caffeine and antioxidants: ^^ risk of diabetes, constricts cerebral blood vessels, bronchial relaxation, anti-parkinson (males only) Health amounts conflict: amount consumed, preparation, concentration of constituents (like the bean, growing conditions, lifestyle.