NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Anencephaly, Ferritin, Goitre

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Vitamin a deficiency kills hundreds of thousands of children in third world countries. Liver and other organ damage: could cause death. Its possible to overdose form food sources alone. Ul is 2000 rae (just over twice the rda) ** all aminas store vitamin a in liver, polar bears have the most vitamin a because of all the sea creatures that they eat. A disease where cells multiply out of control. Often forms of tumors: many tumors are just the beginning (not harmful, because they cant metabolize) Malignant (cancerous) tumors metastasize or infect other parts of the body. In 2012, 186,400 new cases of cancer and 75,700 deaths are expected. 2 out of 5 canadians will develop cancer during their lifetime. 1 out of every 4 canadians are expected to die from cancer. There are 3 steps: initiation, promotion, progression. Mutation in cells dnathe reproduces, could be caused by free radical.