[NUTR 1010] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (59 pages long)

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We get our essential nutrients from our food choices fortified foods, natural health products, phytochemicals and zoochemicals. The amount of energy they provide is measured in kilocalories (kcal) Carbohydrate gives you 4 kcal of energy/gram. Fat gives you 9 kcal of energy/gram. Protein gives you 4 kcal of energy/gram. Alcohol gives you 7 kcal of energy/gram. Vitamins are organic molecules our body needs in order to function (organic molecules = carbon containing) Minerals are inorganic (from the periodic table) our body needs in order to function. Don"t provide us with energy, but we need to eat them so that our body can function. Vitamins are involved in helping your body use the energy from carbs, fats and proteins, and involved in bone growth, vision, blood clotting, oxygen transport, and tissue growth and development. Minerals make and maintain tissues like bones and blood.