NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gastric Acid, Pylorus, Barrier Function

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Essential nutrients: nutrients that our bodies cannot produce and must be received through fortified foods, natural health products, phytochemicals and zoochemicals. 6 types: protein: macro, carbohydrates: macro, fats: macro, vitamins: micro, minerals: micro, water: micro. Vitamins: organic carbon containing molecules our body needs to function. Help body use the energy from macronutrients. Involved in bone growth, vision, blood clotting, oxygen transport and tissue growth/development. Minerals: inorganic molecules our body needs to function. Make and maintain tissues, such as bones and blood. Chemical reaction, cell growth, muscle and nerve function, hormone signalling, nutrient transport, regulation of body temperature. 1 calorie is the amount of energy is takes to warm 1 kg of water by 1 degrees celsius. Form of malnutrition caused by deficiency of energy or nutrients. Causes weight loss, poor growth, inability to reproduce, death(severe cases) When excess number of nutrients are consumed a toxic reaction may occur. Nutritional professionals with advanced degrees: government.