NUTR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vitamin, Iron-Deficiency Anemia, Vitamin D Deficiency

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Compounds that protect our cells from damage caused by oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which an atom loses an electron. The stealing of electrons (by free radicals: atoms are then losing electrons. In most exchange reactions, unpaired electrons immediately pair up with other unpaired electrons. Oxidation followed by reduction creates newly stabilized atoms. Sometimes, atoms with unpaired electrons remain unpaired = free radicals. Pollution, overexposure to sun, toxic substances, radiation exposure, cigarette smoke, asbestos. Generates more free radicals; starts a chain reaction. To stabilize itself, a free radical steals an electorn from stable compounds. Free radicals inside cell membranes steal electrons from stable lipid molecules. Ldl cholesterol, cell proteins, genetic material (dna) Disrupts transport of substances into and out of cells. How do antioxidants work: antioxidant vitamins donate their electrons to free radicals stabilize free radical, certain minerals work in antioxidant enzyme systems that convert free radicals to less damaging substances.