MICR 3330- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 55 pages long!)

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An ancient viral disease likely originated in north africa over 10,000 bc. Caused by infection with a large dna virus. Egyptian merchants first spread it to india, subsequently to rest of asia, europe, north. Endemic in the ganges river basin, india (first record 1500 bc) Recorded in china and japan (700 ad) Highly deadly: 80% in children, 20-60% in adults infected. Europe (500 - 1340 ad): 80% population infected, killing 5 monarchs. Altered human history (together with measles): conquest of north america. 1966: who launched global vaccination program against small pox. 1977: last natural case reported in somalia. 1979: who declare total eradication of small pox. Inoculating healthy persons with pus taken from infected person. Lady mary montagu introduced variolation from ottoman empire to england. Variolation (inoculation) practiced in china and india. Variolation widely practiced in europe and the us during 1722-1840. Put hypothesis to the test: may 14, 1796 is when james phipps was inoculated and.