MICR 2420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Microbial Ecology, Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur

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First microscope (cid:523)~(cid:885)0x power(cid:524), drew nematodes, coined the term (cid:494)cell(cid:495) Made magnifying lenses (500x power), first to observe single cell organisms (animalcules) Vaccination, used live cowpox to treat against small pox: variolation: took scabs from lesions, ground them into powder and put them onto someone else(cid:495)s skin, resulted in 2% chance of dying. Broth sterilized (by boiling) did not grow microbes (proof against spontaneous generation: depends on medium being used, endospores were resistant to heat. Discovered chirality of organic molecules, fermentation metabolism (brewers), swan necked flasks (to demonstrate no spontaneous generation) Demonstrated that infection caused more morbidity than any other condition during crimean war. Viruses (theoretically) do not flow these postulates b/c they are not considered to be alive. Lecture 3: microorganisms are not necessarily microscopic, not always unicellular, undifferentiated nor cellular, carle woese (father of molecular phylogeny) Tree of life, all but the animals and plants are microbial.