MGMT 4260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Customs Valuation, Factor Endowment, Free-Trade Area

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80 multiple-choice questions derived from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8. (probably 10 questions per chapter) The total exam time is approximately 2 hours. Globalization: is the ongoing process that deepens and broadens the relationships and interdependence among countries. International business is a mechanism to bring about globalization. International business: consists of all commercial transactions including sales, investments, and transportation that take place between two or more countries. Increasingly foreign countries are a source of both production and sales for domestic companies. Most companies are either international or compete with international companies. Modes of operations may differ from those used domestically. The best way of conducting business may differ by country. An understanding helps you make better career decisions. An understanding helps you decide what government policies to support. The a. t. kearney/foreign policy globalization index ranks countries by (singapore/hong kong highest):