MCS 2020 Study Guide - Hacker Ethic, Categorical Imperative, Pseudonymity

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Textbook readings: 7. 1: ethics for the information age, 7. 2: consequence-based reasoning, 7. 3: action-oriented reasoning, 7. 4: ethics in practice, 7. 5: the future of information ethics, 7. 6: codes of conduct (experiment worksheet optional) Key terms: the golden rule, egoism, the rule of change, risk aversion principle, no free lunch rule, utilitarian principle / teleological, utility, pleasure vs. Pain: consequences, categorical imperative / deontological, conflict of interest, duty, codes of conduct, fiduciary principle, property principle, reliability principle, transparency principle, dignity principle, fairness principle, citizenship principle, responsiveness principle, competitive intelligence, corporate espionage. Information ethics in practice: competing interests create ethical dilemmas. People have the unique ability to reason ethically: unethical behaviour sends the wrong message. Ethics: an introduction: branch of philosophy. Individuals as free moral agents (free choice: rational, secular study. Grounded in human happiness and well being: morals vs. ethics, role of law.