MCB 2050 Midterm: MCB 2050 Brief midterm review - tutorial

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Brief review these are not mandatory or suggestive of future possible testable questions so proceed at your own time, and answers are provided in the class notes as well as the attached file. These are to be used as a study tool only. In the midterm - please make sure you write your name in the midterm. If you are asked to choose three questions out of four or five out of sex (i. e optional question) please make sure to indicate clearly which question you don"t want us to mark. If you write in pencil, know that you can"t get your exam re- marked. Vntrs and strs huntingtin disease and cystic fibrosis cell cycle control- cyclin dependant kinase cancer tumor suppressor gene most important: all tutorial material! Facts and concepts: - the ability to clone and sequence essentially any gene or other dna sequence of interest from any species of interest depends on restriction endonucleases enzymes.