[MCB 2050] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (116 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Molecular biology: regulation of eukaryotic gene expression at different stages. Dna: gene locus condensed (inactive) -> dispersed (active) Mrna: diffuse throughout the nucleus -> concentrated at the gene locus (transcription) and in mobile (granular) mrnps. Regulation of gene expression: protein traf cking and organelle. Nucleus: internal organization (nuclear subdomains) & the nuclear pore complex: nucleocytoplasmic transport via the npc e. g. Cyclins (control the cell cycle: dna replication involved in dna replication transcription, splicing, ribosome assembly, and chromatin packing. Sunday, march 5, 2017: dynamic, coordinated network of organelles & related compartments, traf cking pathways through the endomembrane system, biosynthetic pathway (er -> lysosome, secretary pathway (er -> pm and ec space, endocytic pathway (pm & ec space) Endoplasmic reticulum: morphology, dynamics, co-translational protein import & processing. Er-golgi traf cking: er exit sites, vesicle assembly, transport & fusion between the er and golgi. Golgi complex: morphology, function & traf cking through the golgi complex.