MCB 2050 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phosphotransferase, Hsp60, Triskelion

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Traditionally: study of subcellular organelles in diverse organisms. Fluorescent discovery and development of fluorescent proteins and breakthroughs in live-cell microscopic imaging technologies. Bright field: light source, condenser lens, stage, objective, ocular, light diffracted by specimen and field of view light focused, capture by digita camera. More sensitive to low light intensities avoid light damage to living cells. Made 2d array of #s, manipulate using computers (e. g. deconvolution): overall magnification=objective*ocular past a certain point just empty magnification, resolution minimum distance to have points be identifiable ad separate points. About 200nm for brightfield and cslm, 0. 1nm for eye, 20nm for super resolution cslm, 0. 02nm for electron microscope (shorter wavelength 0. 0045nm) Fluoresecence: fluorophores molecules that can re-emit light after excitation, fluorescent proteins used for subcellular localization of proteins, small chemical/organic compounds used to stain subcellular structure sor macromolecules, direct (1 antibody) indirect (2 antibodies)