[MCB 2050] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (38 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Traditional cell biology: the multidisciplinary study of the composition, structure and function of the various subcellular organelles and other cellular components in evolutionary diverse organisms. Model organisms include: yeast, worms, fruit flies, plants mice and humans. No nucleus- possess a region (nucleoid) where the chromosome is located. Nucleus- membrane bound: nuclear envelope: boundary between cytosol and nucleus, nuclear pores: doorways in the nuclear envelope, organized internal nuclear structure. Largest organelle: 5-10% of cell volume, 10 micrometers in diameter. Compartmentalization of the cellular genome and its activities: dna replication, transcription and rna processing, site where translation components (ribosomes, mrna and trna) are synthesized and assembled, coordination of cellular activities: metabolism, protein synthesis, reproduction etc Nuclear lamina: thin meshwork of long filament- like proteins. This results in destabilization of nuclear lamina causing aberrant changes in nuclear envelope morphology and functioning. Nuclear pores: stretch inner and outer membranes of nuclear envelope, approx.