MBG 4020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Assortative Mating, Labradoodle, Backcrossing

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Hip dysplasia probably don"t need to genotype for it if it isn"t a problem in your population; if you think it might be, then you can; depends on your breeding goals. Genetic disorder; completely don"t want it in your breeding program; probably make a selection based on marker genotype rst; won"t weight it with other selection goals, it"s just a yes/no as to whether you want the animal or not. Cull (mm) and maybe (mm) if you have a big enough population that you can do that. Then onto regular selection process, ebv"s etc (don"t talk about ebvs until you"ve gotten rid of all the animals with marker) Something that is so drastic that you just get rid of it, want nothing to do with it; Can calcuate the value of each marker genotypes (ie mm will improve the quality of hips by. ___), so that gives you evaluation for qtl genotypes.