MBG 4020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bull Terrier, Minimum Viable Population, Zygosity

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Companion animal = any breed/species that is not part of an organized breeding program. = livestock, pets, exotics (livestock not apart of an organized breeding program) Breeding program = design and maintenance of the system to create new companion animals. Base pop available (relatedness, pedigree, level of inb. ~ select best as parents, breed, get offspring. *have to worry about inb more w. single birth species. *multiple birth species can tolerate greater levels of inb but can also generate it a lot faster. Allele and genotype freqs will remain constant if we have. ~ small population = inb goes up, homozygosity increases. Shorter generation intervals, less maternal care, higher birthrate. Longer generation intervals, more maternal care, lower birthrate. Fix breed characteristics, fix food alleles (cid:498)if pop not large (cid:523)aka small pops(cid:524) Potential of increasing recessive alleles lead to genetic defects. ** inb affects reproductive and health phenotypes to the greatest extent.