HROB 2090 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Problem Solving, Negative Affectivity, Positive Affectivity

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The attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations. Management practices of the best companies to work for in. Canada: flexible work schedules, stock-options, profit-sharing, and bonuses, opportunities for learning and development, family assistance programs, career development programs, wellness and stress reduction programs, employee recognition and reward programs. 2: the contingency approach to management recognizes that there is no one best way to manage, an appropriate management style depends on the demands of the situation. Henry mintzberg discovered a rather complex set of roles played by managers: Managerial activities: fred luthans, richard hodgetts, and stuart rosenkrantz found that managers engage in four basic types of activities: Routine communication (formal sending and receiving information) Networking (interaction with people outside of the organization) Human resource management (motivating, reinforcing, disciplining, punishing, managing conflict, staffing, training and developing employees) All these managerial activities involve dealing with people. 3: four issues with which organizations and managers are currently concerned: