HK 3401 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ulnar Styloid Process, Olecranon Fossa, Trochlear Notch

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Stabilizing bone of the forearm, is the medial and longer of the two forearm bones. Proximal end has two prominent projections - the olecranon posteriorly and the coronoid process anteriorly ; they form the walls of the trochlear notch: trochlear notch: where the ulna articulates with trochlea of humerus. Inferior to the coronoid process is the tuberosity of the ulna. On the lateral side of the coronoid process is a smooth, rounded concavity, the radial notch, which articulates with the head of the radius. Distal to the radial notch is a prominent ridge, the supinator crest, and between it and the distal part of the coronoid process is a concavity, the supinator fossa. Proximally, the shaft of the ulna is thick, but it tappers; diminishing in diameter distally. At its narrow distal end is the rounded head of ulna with the small, conical ulnar styloid process.