HK 3401 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Ventral Root Of Spinal Nerve, Lumbar Vertebrae, Thoracic Vertebrae

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Document Summary

Approaches to studying anatomy: regional anatomy: based on organization of body into parts. Emphasis is placed on relationships of various systemic structures within the region. No organ system functions in isolation: clinical (applied) anatomy: emphasizes aspects of the structure and function of the body important in the practice of medicine, dentistry and the allied health sciences. Anatomicomedical terminology: anatomical position: head, eyes and toes directed anteriorly (forward). Upper limbs by the sides with palms facing anteriorly. A transverse plane divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) parts. Terms of relationship and comparison: inferomedial: nearer to the feet and closer to the median plane (e. g. anterior part of ribs run inferomedially) Integumentary system: the skin is the largest organ of the body and provides: Containment of tissues, organs, and vital substances of the body (preventing dehydration) Heat regulation through sweat glands, blood vessels and fat deposits. Sensation (e. g pain) by way of superficial nerves and their sensory endings.