HK 2810 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Acetyl-Coa Carboxylase, Glycogen Synthase, Malonyl-Coa

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Feedback control is critical in the regulation of estrogen secretion in women. Diagram the control of estrogen production in the middle of the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle. Explain why follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels drop during this part of the phase. Answer: follicular phase: primordial follicle primary follicle secondary follicle ovulation. Cerebral cortex and limbic system send input on hypothalamus, and hypothalamus release gnrh to anterior pituitary to release lh and fsh to body (works on gonad). Thecal cell has rc for lh, so in response to lh, it releases androgen, progesterone and estrogen, while granulosa cell releases aromatase, growth factors (protein, activin, and inhibin) in response to fsh and lh. Aromatase converts androgen from thecal cell to estrogen. Estrogen from theca cell and from aromatase activity work on development and maturation of endometrium and oogenesis(developing ovum). Growth factors also help oogenesis and endometrium proliferation.