GEOG 1220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Desalination, Heavy Metal Subculture, Aurochs

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Unit 2-historical context of human impact on the environment. Recognize the decreasing link over time between humans and their ecological environment. Present a brief history of early hunter-gatherers; movement, tools and ecological knowledge. Describe the history of human impact based on our knowledge of lower paleolithic, upper paleolithic and neolithic ancestors and bronze age societies. List specific human impacts associated with fire, hunting and gathering of early hunter-gatherers. Describe the origins of the agricultural revolution and the domestication of plants and animals. Distinguish between pastoral nomadism and shifting cultivation (swidden agriculture) and list reasons why they are often no longer sustainable. Identify links between the industrial revolution and changes in agriculture. Present a brief history of the industrial revolution linked to increasing human impact on the environment. List the characteristics of an industrial society. Link the transitions described in this unit to the human-environment interaction model presented in unit.