[FRHD 2270] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (31 pages long)

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Theories of cognitive development, cognitive processes and academic skills. Encoding processes transform the information in a problem into a mental representation: children often use generic strategies ones not speci c to particular tasks or problems to. Tv become passive, lazy thinkers and become less creative. Ch 2: eggs and sperm are called gametes. Frhd ch 2 & 4: most cells of the body have a full set of 46 chromosomes tiny structures in the nucleus that contain genetic material. Characteristics controlled in this way show continuous variation: ex: four gene pairs would be aa, bb, cc, and dd. For example, a person with the genotype aabbccdd has eight alleles for extroversion (a party animal). A person with the genotype aabbccdd has no alleles for extroversion (a wall ower). During this growth spurt, teenagers typically grow 10 centimetres and gain 7 to 8 kilograms each year.