FRHD 2060 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Episodic Memory, Explicit Memory, Verbal Memory

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Document Summary

Limited capacity (7 chunks - miller 1956) Plays an active, critical, and central role in encoding, storage, and retrieval. Older adults do worse when presented multiple tasks compared to younger. Have trouble juggling information and make sense of it but are able to access it. The ability to remember extensive amounts of information from a few seconds to a few hours to decades. 2 types of long term memory systems: explicit or declarative memory. Can be divided into episodic memory and semantic memory: implicit or procedural memory. Changes in performance by exposure to information at some earlier time but not deliberately trying to remember. 2 subdivisions of declarative memory: episodic memory: Recalling of information from a specific event or time. Older adults perform worse in episodic memory recall compared to younger. Recognition: choosing from items (multiple choice question) Differences are smaller in recognition tests: semantic memory: