FRHD 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Child Discipline, Parental Leave, Miscarriage

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Chapter 6 (fertility and having a child) summary notes. In teens and twenties, you focus on contraception. Couples in late twenties/early thirties switch focus to getting. The path for later fertility has many obstacles higher rates of pregnant rather than preventing pregnancy. miscarriage, more difficulty conceiving. The transition of a birth of a child to a couple or single person is. One can separate or divorce a spouse, but to leave one"s child is. The birth of a child signifies dramatic changes in the. Feelings of love decline and are less motivated to work on the. Transition point is the actual day and time of the birth. Transition to the parent role is a process that involves deciding to have a baby, conception, gestation, birth, and adaption. There are complex age- and duration-graded timing norms about relationships (ex. The norms about parenting are tied to the maturation of the child and family relationships.