FOOD 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amylose, Mouthfeel, Methoxy Group

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Chapter 5 food chemistry ii: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. *all carbs contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and simple sugar. *simple sugar also called organic alcohol since it"s a molecule that contains carbon atoms that are attached to groups. *carbs exist as monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, or polysaccharides. *monosaccharides are single sugar molecules that aren"t chemically bonded to other sugar molecules. *important monosaccharides found in foods are hexoses (contain 6 carbon atoms) glucose, fructose, and galactose. >fructose 5 membered ring structure is sweeter and more soluble than glucose. >glucose 6 membered ring structure, most common in foods (aka dextrose) *2 monosaccharides joined together form a disaccharide and the bond in the structure is a glycosidic bond. *important disaccharides are sucrose, lactose, and maltose (composed of 2 glucose units) *sugar molecules contain 2 reactive functional groups, -c = 0 carbonyl group and the oh alcohol group. >carbonyl group important for reducing activity and colour and flavour changes.