FARE 4360 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Frequency Distribution, Computer File, Data Analysis

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Explain and apply principles of measurement scales and descriptive statistics. Data entry: creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the questionnaires deemed suitable for analysis. Data coding: the identification of codes that capture the possible responses for each question in the questionnaire. Data code book: identifies all of the variable names and code numbers associated with each possible response to each question in survey. Identify and deal with outliers outside of normal range (e. g. > 3 standard deviations) Identify and deal with inconsistent responses: scores outside the answer scale, open-ended responses not fitting the question asked, contradictory/non-logical responses. Identify enumerators who cheated (filled out survey themselves) What can missing values signal: questions/variables with many missing values may: Have evoked fears of breach of confidentiality: respondents with many missing values may: Have had difficulty to fill out the questionnaire. Have been concerned about sensitive issues or confidentiality or anonymity.