ENGL 3680 Study Guide - Final Guide: Aminata Savadogo, Griot

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To declare that the nation of canada and its culture can be reduced into one single unifying and informing core symbol and that such a symbol could be able to hold the country together is false. If the status of dominance is stripped from one point of view and entity within society canada becomes a mosaic of an unfathomable amount of entities and identities. Settler-invaders: the above argument only functions when invaders are remembered as settlers as the dominant narrative tries to push. Settler means land was empty therefore there"s no wrongdoing in moving into the land but in truth canada"s colonization was bloody and violent and stripped the natives of their livelihoods, land and freedom. The dominant narrative makes us think that we are native ourselves because canada was colonized by britain therefore our narrative has been forcefully permitted to overwrite and overpower entities and identities that weren"t part of the imagined community ii.