EDRD 3140 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Job Satisfaction, Living Wage, Jane Mouton

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Module one: founding approaches to the study of organizations. To complete this module, students will: read chapters 1 - 3 of the miller text; the main points are summarized below, read the case study, the cap program", as a basis for discussion in the. Module one conference: participate in the introductions" and module one" conferences (not graded), take ungraded self-assessment quiz. The early 20th century theorists of the classical" school of organization described the organization as a machine. This metaphor reflected the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Key facets of bureaucratic organization include: clearly defined hierarchy, division of labour, centralization of decision making and power, closed systems (shut off from influences from external environment) Importance of rules (rationally established, codified in written form: functioning of authority, based on three possible grounds, traditional, or legitimate, authority, charismatic authority, rational-legal authority, dominant in the bureaucratic system.