[ECON 2720] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (31 pages long!)

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Business decisions made in different times of the companies life. The influence of wealth in imperial rome/the business panic of 33 a. d. Senators not allowed to participate in business but did anyway. Julius caesar made a law if you did not have a certain amount of wealth, you could not be a senator. Sale of assets and collapse in price of assets. Money from assets beings put into banking system. There was a banking system that was very similar to our own. Banking panics arise when many people want to take their short-term money out of a bank. First detailed information of a banking system is from athens 400 b. c, egypt 300 b. c. People needed a place to put their savings. Bank was lending this money out to businessmen. Rome did not have a body of corporate law but has business law that was pretty flexible. 2008- too many banking houses were structured like corporations.