CLAS 1000 : Hoplite Army

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Typical greek settlement obsessed with its survival. Conflict between city-states due to limited resources. Produced need for defense against other cities. Cities couldn"t afford a standing army; men had to man the farms. Hoplite army was created: drawn from richer peasants had to be able to afford own armour. Trained to fight in tight rows one behind the other (called a phalanx) Fighting style provided ultimate protection for soldiers: each person in phalanx linked shields and used them to protect the person to their immediate left, soldiers held spears in right hand, moved as one unit. Cooperation = vital; each soldier depends on one to the right. Only effective counter force to hoplite army was another hoplite army. Greek city-states had to create own hoplite armies to protect themselves against hoplites from other cities. Explains dominance of hoplite army in greece from 7th century onwards.