CIS 2430 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Instance Variable, Static Variable, Structured Programming

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Roles of a complier: validator, translator, and optimizer. A compiler can detect syntactic errors, but not runtime and logic errors. Main advantage of generating byte-code: portable (compile once and execute everywhere) 2: in the following code fragment, square brackets [] appear three times. List at least four major advantages of this language. Java is comprehensive with built-in support for gui, concurrent, and network programming. Java is highly portable: compile once and execute everywhere: java classes are more powerful and expressive than c structs in that we can make more distinctions among the members of java classes. List three major distinctions we can make in java classes and indicate what specific choices are used in c structs for these distinctions. C struct"s public vs. private variables and methods static vs. instance public only variables only instance only. After all errors are fixed, the output will be: