CIS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Data Dictionary, Device Driver, Local Area Network

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Social networking tools: people are given the power to connect ideas. Crisis mapping: real time gathering, display and analysis of data during a crisis, usually a natural disaster or social/political conflict: not technology used to deliver assistance during times of a crisis. Qr (quick response) coding: 2d barcodes with readers available on smartphones and other devices. Kickstarter: crowd finding platform that allows people to ask for funding to pursue them. Data mining: allows retailers to respond to consumer buying patterns. What is a computer? data processing device that performs for major functions input, processing, output, storage. Input: gathers data or allows a user to enter data. Processing: processes the data it has and turns it into useful information. Output: displays data and information in a form suitable for the user. Embedded computers: touch our everyday lives in devices ranging from digital cameras, digital recorders and the electronic thermostat in your home.