CHEM 1050 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Canada Labour Code, Autoignition Temperature, Vapor Pressure

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Training of workers suppler, worker and employer need to work together to ensure whmis works. Hazardous materials being transported as per transpiration of dangerous good legislation. Ld50 - amount of substance that causes death in 50% of popn in mg/kg. Lc50 - concentration of gas e. g. mg/l not toxicity, only mortality exposure values - toxicity increases w exposure. represents value that you can be exposed w/o any negative effects. Twaev (time weighted average exposure value) - average airborne concentration to which most workers can be exposed to during an 8 hour workday, day after day w/o adverse effect. Stev (short term exposure value) - 15 min, day after day, no effects. Cev (ceiling exposure value) - concentration that must never be exceeded in workplace. D1 - immediate and serious effects - carbon monoxide - skull and crossbones. D2 - other toxic effects - asbestos - t exclamation. Class f - dangerously reactive - picric acid other, non whmis symbols.