CHEM 1050 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Joule, Ideal Gas Law, Molar Mass

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Day 1: the entire course in an hour. Day 2: lmao guess who didn"t do the homework. 5. 135, 6. 4, 6. 8, 6. 55 [chapter . question number] Ideal gas law describes the relationship between 4 variables. Boyle"s law volume is inversely proportional to pressure. Charles law pressure is proportional to temperature. Avogadro"s number number of moles is proportional to volume. 3 main parameters in thermodynamics thermo = heat dynamics = motion. We get energy from chemical reactions recall: breaking bonds requires heat, making bonds results in heat. We divide things" into system and surroundings first law of thermodynamics: * monophyletic group: the most recent common ancestor and all of its descendants non-monophyletic group: everything else lmao paraphyletic group: polyphyletic group: 7 level classification system kingdom phylum class order family genus species. Deutrostoma [don"t expect you to spell the word, but need to know what it means] deutro = second stoma = mouth. Urochordata uro = tail chordata = notochord in the [tail]