CHEM 1040 Study Guide - Final Guide: Organic Compound, Hemiacetal, Reagent

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Benzene is the most basic: one substituent at each carbon, all carbons are sp2, planar molecule. Naming rules: named as derivative of alkane, number is needed. Name includes: functional group, number of main carbons. Name includes: functional group, not number of carbons. Compounds with the same molecular formula but different connectivity. Atoms/groups are attached to different carbons, but they have the same molecular formula. Atoms/groups are attached to the same carbon but the special arrangement makes for different structures. Considers there are two sides to a molecule, and the sides may look different. Two sides are due to rigid portion created by a pi bond or ring structure. Each carbon involved in the c=c or ring must have different groups. Chiral compounds: aka asymmetrical compounds, 3-dimensionally, they"re show as; Away from you: below are enantiomers; isomers for which chemical properties are the same but biological properties are different, when mirrored, they are non-superimposable, they have no symmetrical plane.