BIOL 2060 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Outcrossing, Solar Tracker, Genotype

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Enter your name, e-mail id login, and student id number on p. 1 of the exam and on the. This exam consists of 20 multiple choice questions and is 8 pages long. Please check this exam to make sure that you have the correct number of questions and pages. The exam is worth 20 marks and 10% of your grade for the semester. Please circle the best answer to each question on the test paper. Then carefully transfer your answers to the test-scoring answer sheet by filling in the appropriate bubble with an. The data shown in the graph below represent the distribution of all possible climates on earth (based on annual rainfall and temperature) and the climate dimensions of several biomes. Biol*2060 (ecology) midterm a october 16th 2015: the following figure shows the results for the maximum number of individuals (mean. 1 se) of each bird species observed in the arboretum on january 22 2013 during four.