BIOL 1080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Myelin, Nerve Growth Factor, Interneuron

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Theory a well-supported and wide-ranging explanation of some aspect of the physical universe. Statistical significance measures of the possibility that results were due to chance. Placebo an innocuous, non-drug substance made to look like a drug being tested. Informed consent lists all possible side effects and person must be mentally capable of understanding the treatment and risks. Epidemiological studies researchers look at patterns that occur within large populations. Tissue a group of similar cells that perform the same function. Organ a structure with two or more tissues working together to perform a function. Organ system at least two organs working together to perform a function. Control center determines factors set point and selects appropriate response. Biomedical model view that diseases and its" symptoms have physiological explanations seen as a mechanistic approach, focusing on only the physical. Biopsychosocial view that diseases and symptoms can be explained by combinations of physical, social and cultural and psychological factors.