BIOL 1080- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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Political philosophy"s bias in favor of a political subject who is white, male and property owner. Charles mills: racial liberalism: drawing on marxism (structures of class domination, and the idea of ideology) mills approaches the problematic of race in america. This quest shows the inadequacy of abstract liberalism and contractualism. Liberal theory has to recover the past in the sense of the history of polity as a history of exploitation, domination and exclusion. It also requires injecting the category of race at the conceptual and theoretical level so to expose racial domination in practice 337-38. J rgen habermas: three normative models of democracy : habermas engages the liberal/communitarian debate with the aim of presenting a third alternative, namely, that of deliberate democracy, he sees the liberal model of democracy as one where the state: As an apparatus of public administration, is organized to serve the interest of the society: