BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Internal Set, Acclimatization, Homeostasis

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The study of organism structure and functions, including homeostasis and encompassing cell, tissue, organs and body systems. Biological impacts, political and economic impacts, aesthetics, cultural changes, are important when considering the impacts of climate change. They fluctuate with the function of time and location. Animals that are sleeping have a lower internal temp than awake, ecto or endo: ectotherms maintain body heat by going under a shade, swimming in cold water or warming under the sun to maintain a homeostatic body temperature. Effects of climate change on different organizational species. Some example are polar bears and: competing species may be affected negatively/positively by the increase in temp. it may induce a faunal turnover. brown bears. Brown bears are adapted to higher temp compared to polar bears. The dominance to polar bears in the tundra may soon by out competed by the brown bears if temp continues to increase.