BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ectotherm, Body Fluid, Blubber

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Abundant evidence collected over a long period of time clearly shows that co2 in the air influences the overall mean temperature of the planet. Rising atmospheric co2 levels from burning fossil fuels and other anthropogenic activity therefore contribute to a warming of the earth. The arctic is warming at a much higher rate than most parts of the world. Sub-arctic regions of canada contain a wide variety of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, each characterized by different abiotic and biotic factors. In the high arctic much of the terrestrial environment id dominated by tundra. Even at very high latitudes, there are both freshwater and marine habitats. A distinguishing feature of arctic aquatic ecosystems is ice. Conformers: allow internal environments to follow external changes. Regulators: maintain constant internal environments in the face of varying environmental conditions. For marine mammals that must maintain a constant body temp of 37c, exposure to near freezing water temperatures presents obvious challenges.