BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Genetic Drift, Gene Flow, Speciation

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Nested hierarchy: evolution predicts that living things will be related to one another in what scientists refer to as nested hierarchy- rather like nested boxes. Groups of related organisms share suites of similar characteristics and the number of shared traits increases with relatedness. Taxonomic groups fit neatly and completely inside other taxonomic groups. For example, all bats are mammals, all mammals are vertebrates. The most obvious and simplest explanation for the observed nested hierarchy of taxonomic categories is evolution. Q2: e) ecosystem do not see environment in other examples therefore, it does not fit. Discussion: everything was created in its final form : much discussion between the science world and religious world surrounding evolution and how we got to where we are today, evolution** Aboriginals knowledge on plants that could be used as medicinal treatments respecting scientific knowledge from a different perspective. Three billion years of research and development posted on courselink.