BIOL 1070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Woolly Mammoth, Arctic Hare, Antifreeze Protein

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Acute - minutes to hours (short-term response) - hottest day of the year. Chronic - days to weeks (longer response) - could be response to a greater average mean temperature. Trait itself is the ability to turn on and off. Acclimatization can only happen to one individual- cannot be passed on. One moves to the arctic and acclimatizes to the environment, offspring would not have it right away (must adapt to it) Over the day- beharvouial adjustment - could be heat during the day and we sweat. Chronic - week to years- species end up migrating. Behavourial changes include dig holes to provide shade. Arctic hare will be easy to spot for predators. Ice-fish- ectoderm and are ionic regulators and temperature conformers. Does not have haemoglobin (environment facilitated that- it happened because it could) - it is not advantageous and occurred because of genetic drift.