BIOC 2580 Study Guide - Final Guide: Beta Turn, Phenylalanine, Zinc Finger

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Document Summary

Transcription activators and repressors interact specifically with dna usually in the major groove. Dna information is read by two different types of protein-dna interactions. Hydrogen bonding between basic residues and the oxygen of deoxyribose can occur. Hydrogen bonding of basic residues can also bind dna phosphate groups. Aromatic stacking of aromatic residues can help bind protein to dna. Tighter binding achieved using this stacking and backbone recognition method. Specificity achieved by direct base interaction with residue. Protein binding to dna is a combination of specific and non- specific readouts. Consensus sequence protein recognition is done by specific direct readout of bases. Surrounding areas that are not a part of the consensus sequence participate in non-specific readouts to tighten the protein dna bond. Combination of both allows specificity from the direct readout and tight binding by the non- direct readout. Describing the strength of interaction of protein dna interaction: Described by kd which is equal to [p][dna]/[p:dna complex]