ANTH 1150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, Biological Anthropology

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Broad discipline in terms of geographical lines & temporal/historical lines (can be studied anywhere, anytime) holistic approach; potential to study almost anything to see big picture. Human universals economic systems, religions, family structures (present in all societies) Archaeology: study of physical remains of past human behaviour, reconstruct behavior based on remains ( science of garbage , systematic digging & dating techniques (egyptians, greeks, romans) Biological anthropology: study of human behaviour in context of our biological function; study of evolution, includes primatology, fossil record, genetics, involved in forensic & Linguistic anthropology: study of human language & how it is used, various contexts; storytelling, projection of masculinity/femininity, how language develops & shapes culture, kiesling ( dude guy ) studied relationship between language and gender. Hedican definition belief that one"s own culture is superior to that of others, cultural bias based on own experiences/history/beliefs.